Yea, that's about the butt end of it. I'm new here and not sure where this is going. But I figure that I have posted my opinions on everything just about everywhere so that anyone can see them at anytime. To make it easier, I am putting them all down on here.
Please don't expect many big words (I don't know a lot) and don't log on attempting to find secrets to success. You most definitely need to peek from time to time if you need a laugh but do beware, I may make you sad too. I am not trying to take on or challenge the world and I surely do not expect to give any great insight to today's hottest topics so that we may all live better as a society. I know I have some strong opinions about some touchy subjects but you'll find that I am a realist and that most of what the media or social networking sites deem as important at that time, I can give a damn about. I am simply going to put my words onto the screen. Those words are meant to share my opinions, likes, dislikes, funnies and daily discoveries.
I intend to blog about everything. No really, everything. At some point, if you become a regular visitor to this blog, I am going to upset you and I want to know about it. I want to hear your opinions too. I want us all to hear them. We will discuss politics, travels, books, my past, my present and my future plans. We will get into foods, recipes, wines, whiskey's (oh I am so into Scotch now) and beer just to keep it rounded. I may even blog a little on personal fitness but don't expect much on that as I am not a role model for staying fit. I am human and you will see that in these pages.
Before we go crazy there are some things I have to say and some ground rules that are not implied, they are explicit and I will carry out punishment. (I love saying that, its fun).
- Your opinions are just that; your opinions. I value them and respect them but you are not to get personal on here. There will be no personal calling out or comments directly pointed at one person and what they have to say. If you cannot abide by that, get lost. Sorry, but I don't have the patience to deal with petty crap so I’m not.
- You may post links of interest but please do not weigh this page down with 100 links to your favs. I like to be informed and I like to surf the web but I cannot hang out on here long enough to see everything.
- #'s 1 & 2 being acknowledged and agreed upon, I want you to share too. If you have been invited to see this blog then become a part of it. You have a family recipe for Pecan Pie that you think others will slap their momma's over, post it! You found a new band that rocked your shoes off or dealt with a business that have done you wrong then tell us about it, we NEED to know those things so when the opportunity arises,,,,,you get the idea.
So, I’m new here. You?